Client Comments:
Alan, It was the best trip of my life. People are great, fishing was exceptional, food amazing. I caught 21 lbs. ex aequo with Larry, it was the biggest peacock bass of the trip. Thank You Very Much, Zibby

Las Lagunas 13-21 Jan 2020 Cano Gente River, Columbia, SA
Erik Von Sneirden Dussan runs a great camp along with his lovely and gracious wife, Anna Maria. Truly a grand lady. I think we all fell in love with her. Muy Bella , the head cook who has been with Erik and Anna Maria over 30 years kept us all close to the table during meal hours. New to camp was Muy Bella's lovely daughter Luna Sophia along with Cecilia, a local native lady, who waited on us hand and foot. I have to mention the mouth watering and delicious deserts served after every meal.. Anna Maria makes them each morning and she has no peer when it comes to this task. She said it was her passion and a couple of times, and I am not a great desert eater, would beg for seconds.
Rising around 0530, we headed to the galley for some good hot Colombian coffee while Muy Bella was fixing our meal. After a hearty breakfast we were all anxious to hit the river. The guides are all native to the area and know every hot spot around the camp. The boats are all very sturdy, comfortable with seats to fish from. Parne, our guide had the boat ready when we arrived at the river landing with a Yeti cooler loaded with beer, bottle water and cokes. Although he spoke very little English, we fishermen have our own language and between that and hand signals, we got along great. We caught several nice fish the first day with one of our guys landing a beautiful 21 lber the first morning out and his first trip for peacock bass.. Beginner's luck, eh?
The second morning, the fishing got better as my partner of many years Jack Greene, landed a frisky 20 lber along with other nice fish over 10 lbs. I always accuse Jack of having a gold horse shoe in his back pocket as he constantly catches more and bigger fish and I, but he is a great fisherman, my little brother and we fish well together sans any form of jealously. Mr Murphy was sitting close to me on day 2 and 3. I hooked up with monster fish on both days and lost both to broke line and I mean 65 lb Power Pro braided. I did not think this line could be broke on a fish down there. Alan Zaremba suggested we should consider spooling up 80 lb braid but I have had such good luck with the PP 65lb. It casts great and has the diameter of 17 lb mono.
The peacock bass (tucanare) is without a doubt pound for pound, one of the strongest fighters in fresh water. When you hook up with one, they immediately head for the tall and uncut and with the drag squealing, you cannot stop this fish. 4th day out, Jack hooked another large fish which he could not keep out of the trees. Our guide quickly paddled over to the trees, stripped down to his shorts, put on goggles, grabbed his boga grip and disappeared under the water. After a tense wait, he surfaces holding a 20 lb monster in the boga grips. Same same later, in the water again our guides goes and comes up with an 18 lb monster. We have pics and video to prove it. Later that day on the way in as it was getting on to dusk, we stopped in this bay and was casting yozuris when I had a hard hit and the fish took off with drag squealing. It finally stopped, leaped out of the water and I immediately had a severe case of pucker factor. I would reel in about 10 feet and then the fish would take 15 back. This went on for at least ten minutes and finally got the fish close enough to the boat for our guide to net him. It was a 15 lb Paca. I have fought many many good fish in my 15 trips to S. America, but have never fought one like this fish.
This fish and its fight will be permanently embedded in my mind forever. The Paca is a sub species of the tucanare and a much much stronger fighter. I had another 10 lb Paca and those 2 fish made my trip to Las Lagunas worth every penny. I will without a doubt I would put a 15 lb Paca up against any fish fresh or salt water pound for pound.
This is one of the best trips any fisherman could take for the mighty peacock bass. You eat breakfast then head for the river. Fish until noon and come in for a delicious lunch take a short nap if you want to and back on the water at 2 and fish til dusk. Comradeship before and after supper is always boisterous. I will turn 80 this year and although it was hard on this old body, I never missed a moment on the river and if Jack decides to go back again next Jan, I just might tag along.
Thank you Erik, Anna Maria and all the camp at Las Lagunas for the memories,
Ron Smith, Salt Springs, Fl
Alan, Erik couldn’t have had a better testimonial for his people and his camp. I’m happy for Erik because it’s all true and he deserves write-ups like this one all the time. The best peacock bass fishing I have ever been with and that is after going to both Venezuela and Brazil. Super place!
Tony Naines